Skills Augmentation Workshops

  • Fertility Cycles – Gynecology, Midwifery, Birth and Menopause
    Tuition Fee: $450 In this three day class, we will address the process of the fertility cycle, common gynaecological symptoms, menstruation, PMS, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Clinical use of the Extraordinary Vessels will be included. Treatment to support prenatal health, treatments for many conditions of pregnancy and menopause will be explored. Labour & childbirth support will be a ...
  • Assessment Through Meridian Palpation
    Tuition Fee: $275 In this three day intensive workshop you will learn a specialized hands on technique for assessing the meridians by massaging along their pathways. The class will integrate many modalities of body micro systems theory to enhance a practitioners style and effectiveness of treatment. Exploration of the emotional and spiritual energetics of the body segments ...
  • Rejoining the Ocean – Palliative Care for the Ethereal Soul
    Tuition Fee: $275 In this two day workshop we will learn skills to enable us to be more present and supportive to those with life threatening or ‘terminal illness’. Spirit points, pain management techniques, fear of death and working with altered states will be studied. Innovative skills will be taught for communicating with people in coma states. Care ...
  • The Seeds of Healing – Body Mind Counselling Skills
    Exploring the Terrain of Body Mind Tuition Fee: $295 Proceeding from a Taoist perspective, this workshop is an opportunity to learn and deepen counselling skills through exploration of the Body Mind interface. Through the introduction and synthesis  of many modalities you will learn how to create a safe  environment, support clients to experience and release painful emotions and help ...
  • Body Mind Counselling Skills from a Five Element Perspective
    Tuition Fee: $295 ~ Review: $175 In this workshop through the study of Five Elements, you will augment your skill and ability to recognize and work with psychological patterns that influence well being. Learn techniques to decipher the deeper meaning of body symptoms and explore altered states. This class is an excellent overview of the Five Element Perspective ...
  • Accessing Inner Guidance
    Intuitive Counselling Techniques Tuition Fee: $395 In this 21 hour course students will learn how to use archetypes and symbolism to assist clients in accessing core material and beliefs. By using messages from the unconscious you will learn to feel more comfortable navigating altered states of consciousness. The relationship of the Chakras with Emotional Issues and Psychological Patterns will ...
  • Energy Psychology – Thought Field Therapies
    Tuition Fee: $175 Thought Field Therapies have been described as the most radical breakthroughs in psychological energy blocks. Negative emotions or thoughts trigger energy disruptions in the electrical field of the body with direct correlations to the energy meridians. By tapping an established code and sequence along precise energy points on the meridians long held emotional patterns, phobias ...
  • The Extraordinary Vessels: An In-depth Study
    Tuition Fee: $600Extensive Course manual included The Extraordinary Vessels or Strange Flows are especially intriguing to students and practitioners of Oriental Medicine. This four day workshop focuses on a system of understanding and using the Extraordinary Meridians. It integrates new theories of the Strange Flows and their correlations to the Nine Energy Centers, or chakras and uses an ...
  • Channeling Your Guides with Wendy Lang
    Tuition: $295 Channeling your guides is a skill that can be learned. The most important prerequisite is your desire and intention to make the connection. In this course you will learn how to connect with your highest guides and/or Higher Self, and verbally channel their message. Wendy has successfully helped many people to channel using safe, ...
  • TCM: Expanding Your Theoretical Horizons
    Traditional Chinese Medicine: An Experiential OverviewExpanding Your Theoretical Horizons Tuition Fee: $ 800. May 24 – 28, 2023Victoria,  BC In this course we will introduce and explore Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and techniques with a Medical Qigong perspective.  An introduction to the theory of the Eight Principals will be taught and co-related to the Five Element Theory as a ...
  • Five Element Retreat – Embodying the Divine Feminine
    Lasqueti Taoist Embodying the Divine Feminine Gathering Retreat Dates: July 13 to July 17, 2017   You are invited to join Lenka Leduc and Noel Taylor, in a nourishing and inspiring five day journey into the realms of the Divine Feminine Taoist Energy practices to enhance body, mind and spirit at the deepest levels of your Being.     Together with ...
  • Advanced Connecting with your Guides
    Creating a Bridge Between the Worlds: Three Day Island Summer Retreat Tuition Fee: $295 In this upcoming retreat our focus will be on improving and opening up your connection to your guide.  Throughout this three day retreat we will be playing with moving into higher and higher states of consciousness. You will experience how the guides can assist ...