Studying to become a Medical Qigong Practitioner is an integrated step-by-step process. Each class, each internship, and each experience builds on one another – helping you to progress into a skilled practitioner.
Open to all health care professionals, students of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and those interested in Chinese energetic medicine, the IIMQ offers a multi-level certification program designed to teach the theory and practical application of Medical Qigong Therapy.
Emphasis is placed on both analytical/deductive and intuitive approaches. Students comprehend and utilize Medical Qigong Therapy for cultivation, regulation and clinical application. The experiential aspect of the course is well balanced with a solid theoretical foundation.
MMQ Seminars
The Master of Medical Qi Gong Program is a 1000 hour program. There are reading, clinical practice, exam and homework assignments between seminars with a practical and written exam for completion of the certification.
Training Overview
With the third year training, the practice of Medical Qigong is taken to a whole new level, challenging the student to radically transform body, mind and spirit in their quest for Mastery. Students work to further develop their inner knowing and outer senses, to gain the deep wisdom and understanding necessary to be excellent practitioners.
- MMQ 9: Introduction to Chinese Energetic AlchemyThis ninth seminar is designed to introduce students to the Study of the Daoist Three Outer Forces (Heaven, Earth, and Man). Course content will include: The influences of energy, food and diet on the human body Prenatal and postnatal jing, qi and shen The body’s energetic internal structures The five spiritual aspects of the 5 yin organs Advanced shengong cultivation methods The ...
- MMQ 10: Energetic Anatomy and PhysiologyThis tenth seminar is designed to introduce students to the five dominions of energy, energetic embryology, and TCM theory from a Medical Qigong perspective. Course content will include: Understanding fetal toxins Energy, matter and spiritual interactions Fascia development and energy flow Classifications of the body’s five constitutions The five energies of the human body The three Dantians Yin and yang divisions Nine chambers and center Taiji ...
- MMQ 11: The Supportive Treatment of Cancer with Medical Qigong Therapy (2)This eleventh seminar is designed to further the students understanding of to the study of the treatment of various types of cancers and tumor formations. Course content will include: Emission therapy for the treatment of bone cancer, myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma, and skin cancer Radiation and chemotherapy Medical Qigong and surgery Diet and nutrition Social oncology Objective: Students will have an exposure to specialized ...
- MMQ 12: Medical Qigong Treatment for Spiritual DisordersThis twelfth seminar introduces students to Chinese spiritual dimensions and clinical interactions with the spirit world. Course content will include: Sorcery and psychic attacks Defending against psychic attacks Encounters with ghosts and spirit entities Dealing with demonic and evil spirit oppression and possession Objective: Students will have an exposure to specialized clinical treatments of cancer and the management of the patient’s emotional, ...
- Medical Qigong: Clinical Theatre, Internship, and Final ExaminationThis seminar will be the culminating event for each of the certification programs (MQP, MQT, and MMQ). Beyond the theoretical and practical exams, it offers the student exposure and first hand experience of medical qigong assessment and supportive treatments. The student will study and experience different aspects of energetic dysfunctions and symptom manifestations. The instructor ...
Clinical Externship
In the clinical internship, the academic and theoretical knowledge gained in the medical qigong courses gets put into practical application. The objective is for the student to become confident in assessing and offering supportive treatment for patients, as well as creating and maintaining accurate clinical records.
After completing “Introduction to Assessment and Supportive Treatments” (Course 2), the student should begin to offer supportive treatment to patients and gain clinical experience.
As the student gains experience and attends more advanced courses their knowledge and abilities will increase as will their abilities to assess and offer supportive treatment to more challenging cases.
The student is expected to keep complete histories on patients which include patient histories, supportive treatments, and prescription exercises.
Prior to completing certification for MMQ the student must provide copies of clinic log (verifying clinic hours), a sample of patient histories, and case studies (samples will be provided later).
Registration and Fees
Class enrollment will be limited, a $350 non refundable deposit will ensure your place in the program. Deposit cheques will be held until the first day of the class when the balance for that class will be due. The cost per seminar will be $800.00 in Canadian funds when you enroll in a program. Course fee is $900 per seminar if attended individually. Upon receipt of your deposit, all of the information for ordering the course manuals and recommended reading assignments will be forwarded to you.